Refund and cancellation policy

If you wish to claim a refund, you can do so within 30 days following your purchase of our Services. We seek your full satisfaction with our Services. However, we would like to troubleshoot an issue you experience first. There are common service configuration issues that may hinder the Services for you, and we resolve most user issues encountered.

Subscriptions purchased via the iTunes/App Store are subject to iTunes/App Store refund policies. This means we cannot grant refunds if you purchased an app or service through iTunes/App Store – you will have to contact store support for that. Payments made in cryptocurrencies, using prepaid cards or gift cards will not be refunded.

You have a right to cancel your subscription any time. You can cancel a recurring subscription from your magicNZB account, iTunes/App Store or Google Play Store. Canceled accounts will not be refunded for the unused part of the ongoing service period.

You can only get a refund for our Services once. If you buy any of our Services again after that, you will not be granted a refund for any further cancellation. We do not grant refunds for recurring subscription payments if you cancel the Services after the renewal. No refunds will be considered for accounts terminated for violation of these Terms. Once the refund is issued to you, you will lose access to the Services.